После набега вирусов я потерял часть наработок и решил восстановить часть файлов.
Нужно скачать CiderPress и создать образ с настройками:
32 МБ, не разгуляешься тут.
Дальше действую по описанию:
Create a blank hard drive image using CiderPress.
Download a bootable ProDOS floppy disk image. I used the ProDOS System Disk 4.0.2 which has ProDOS, BASIC.SYSTEM and the System Utilities programs. They can be found at Asimov with this link: ProDOS 4.0.2 System Disk
Start AppleWin.
Click on the Configuration Icon (Joystick/Speaker) and choose the Disk tab.
Check the enable hard disk controller box.
Click on the Select HDD 1 button and choose the image you created in CiderPress.
Click on OK.
Click on the icon for floppy drive 1 and choose the bootable floppy image you downloaded. Click on the Open button.
Click on the Apple icon to boot AppleWin.
You should get a message *** UNABLE TO LOAD PRODOS ***.
On the Apple II you would do a control-reset, but AppleWin uses control-break to get to the ] prompt.
At the prompt enter PR#6 to boot your ProDOS image.
Once it was booted I chose System Utilities.
When the System Utilities program is started up I chose Copy Files.
Choose Slot and Drive for the Source.
Enter 6 and 1 for floppy drive 1.
Choose Slot and Drive for Destination.
Enter 7 and 1 for your hard drive image.
Choose Some files.
Use the arrow keys to highlight and space to select PRODOS and BASIC.SYSTEM and press Return to copy the files that will make it bootable.
Press Return when Copying complete.
Вот только для загрузки с дискеты нужно набирать PR#6 и использовать утилиту Copy_II_Plus_version_8.2
До кучи нашел коллекцию готовых образов.
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